
Open application for all projects!

How to apply


Registration opening MUN WASHINGTON

01 Jun 2022


Opening MUN ROME

03 Aug 2022



05 Aug 2022


Closing enrollment MUN WASHINGTON

20 Sep 2022


MUN WASHINGTON training course

End of September - October 2022


November 2nd-10th MUN WASHINGTON DC & New York City

November 2nd-10th


December 18th, 2022 close of enrollment MUN NEW YORK with course

November 2nd-10th


December 18th, 2022 close of enrollment MUN NEW YORK with course

18 Dec 2022


December 18th, 2022 close of enrollment MUN NEW YORK with course

18 Dec 2022


december 20th, 2022 close of enrollment MUN ROME with course

20 Dec 2022


End of December 2022 – March 2023 MUN ROME and MUN NEW YORK training course

end of December 2022 - March 2023


End of December 2022 – March 2023 MUN ROME and MUN NEW YORK training course

end of December 2022 - March 2023


february 10th, 2023 closing enrollment MUN ROME and MUN NEW YORK without course

10 Feb 2023


february 27th, 2023 – march 1st, 2023 MUN ROME

february 27th, 2023 - march 1st, 2023

MUN NEW YORK High Schools

March 13th – 21th, 2023 MUN NEW YORK High Schools

March 13th - 21th, 2023

MUN NEW YORK University

March 30th, 2023 – April 8th, 2023 MUN NEW YORK University

March 30th, 2023 - April 8th, 2023

*Dates may shift by one day due to causes related to needs of partner airlines.

Applications are limited and once the maximum limit is reached, registrations may close early

How to enroll in the MUN

Per iscriverti ai nostri Model United Nations, puoi farlo velocemente direttamente sul nostro sito. Su ogni pagina del progetto troverai informazioni sulla simulazione e sulla modalità di iscrizione.


Per MUN WASHINGTON D.C. e MUN NEW YORK, l’iscrizione include l’hotel, con camere quadruple. È possibile richiedere un upgrade a camere doppie, ma non è garantito. È inoltre possibile richiedere di scorporare il volo dal pacchetto se impossibilitati a partire da uno degli aeroporti scritti nei pacchetti. Richiedere esplicitamente via mail all’organizzazione. 


Per MUN NEW YORK Scuole Superiori è obbligatorio partire col gruppo a meno che gli studenti minorenni non vengano accompagnati a New York da un genitore/tutore. 


Lo staff di MUN ITALIA accompagnerà gli studenti durante tutto il soggiorno a New York. Gli studenti possono scegliere tra le Week disponibili per MUN NEW YORK, specificandolo nel form di iscrizione. 


I pacchetti per il corso di formazione online e dal vivo possono essere acquistati prima della partenza. Le lezioni dal vivo si terranno solitamente il giovedì, venerdì o sabato dalle 14:30 alle 19:30. Questi non sono obbligatori se studenti/stundetesse sono impossibilitati a raggiungere i poli dove si svolgeranno le lezioni (Milano, Bologna, Firenze, Roma, Napoli).


Il corso e-learning include video in inglese con sottotitoli, accessibili da PC e smartphone.

Le lezioni sono incentrate su tematiche inerenti il MUN quali: Relazioni Internazionali, Geopolitica, Nazioni Unite, Diritto Internazionale, Position Paper e Soft skills (public speaking, negotation, team building/working, ecc). 


Durante il soggiorno a New York, gli studenti delle scuole superiori saranno sempre accompagnati da tutor e docenti dell’organizzazione. 


Per gli universitari, ci saranno attività turistiche opzionali non obbligatorie. 


Tutti i progetti negli Stati Uniti includono un’assicurazione. Puoi stipulare polizze assicurative aggiuntive autonomamente a piacimento. 


Il materiale per la simulazione sarà fornito dall’organizzazione ed è incluso nell’iscrizione. 


Gli aeroporti di partenza sono la Capitale e/o Milano. 


Il range di età per studenti delle scuole superiori è 13 e i 19 anni, mentre sono considerati coloro iscritti a corsi di laurea o laureati da non più di 5 anni.

Choose your MUN

Go to the dedicated project pages and find the assembled packages. The products below are additional to those packages.

Sign up for the simulation now so you don't lose your place
Decide now or later to buy travel services from our partners
Decide immediately or later whether to purchase the e-learning course that can be used on both laptops and smartphones
Decide immediately or later to purchase our live Workshops in Italian or English

Products you can add to already assembled MUN Packages of each project

Training Course

  • 4 lectures with academics
  • International Relations, Geopolitics, UN, International Law
  • Soft Skills and Position Paper
  • Certificate of participation in the course
  • E-learning platform
  • Tutors available

Flight to/from Rome and/or Milan - New York with MUN ITALIA group

  • Flight to/from Rome and/or Milan - New York or Flight to/from Rome and/or Milan - Washington/NYC. You choose which project to associate the flight with in the form
  • Insurance with reimbursement for any inability to depart as per general conditions

MUN ITALIA e-learning training course

  • Dedicated e-learning platform available for both Laptop, Smartphones, and tablets
  • 28 training modules in English for the following subjects: Model United Nations, Soft Skills, Research & Writing Methods, International law & Resolutions, United Nations, Historical Background, International Relations & Geopolitics
  • Certificate training hours
  • Modules conducted entirely in English


  • Ticket for 1 Workshop in the city of your choice
  • 5 hours of live workshop training with experts and professionals in Soft Skills and Model UN
  • Practical soft skills techniques such as Public Speaking, Negotiation, Problem Solving, Team Working, Team Building, Time Management
  • Workshops will be held in the following cities Turin, Venice, Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples. Other cities can be activated for groups of at least 10 students.
  • You can buy two tickets for two workshops at the same time

Frequently asked questions

Ready to become a MUNer, here are some frequently asked questions and answers.

Fill out the form on the website and apply for membership by following the required steps. You will receive documentation, and once completed and signed, you will officially be a MUNer

Through this option you will be able to secure a place at MUN even before registration officially opens. Please remember that places at the national level are limited, and once the maximum number is reached, registration may close early. The payment related to this option will be automatically deducted from the total fee

The training course is conducted in a blended mode i.e., some modules-the more theoretical ones-will be conducted by academic staff online (live unrecorded lectures) providing for interactive activities. The modules related to soft skills and, therefore, more practical, will be conducted live at innovative facilities such as Innovation Hubs, Coworking and Business Centers in order to put the various techniques into practice.

here are two MUN events: one created only for high school students and one only for college students. MUN-ITALIA, in order to ensure effective teaching, anticipates and requires that high school and college participants never attend the same conference either in Italy or abroad.

The differences between the two projects are: a) one training course dedicated to high school students and one for university students. Same modules but different approaches to ensure the most appropriate learning objectives for each participant; b) different dates for the projects abroad; c) high school students accompanied by faculty both during conferences and during their free time abroad. High school students are never left alone. In contrast, university students will be accompanied by teaching staff during conferences but will be independent during non-conference times.

Payment can be made in three ways: Payment 5 standard installments: one at the signing of the contract and the other 4, of equal amount, equally distributed in the months preceding the beginning of the conference. Payment by financing from Soisy partners with the possibility of dividing the internal amount up to 16 monthly installments. See rules and instructions at the link Soisy financing video guide. Single installment upon signing the contract.

  1. es, at the end of the training and simulation, both a certificate of participation and a certificate regarding the objectives achieved and the hours completed during the entire project will be issued.

There are no special requirements since the entire project is structured to ensure tangible improvement through full immersion training. Possible English language certifications are, however, an advantage in terms of selection in case of limited places.

Yes, places are limited nationwide.

Ask a call with us

Call us or fill out the form and you will be contacted within 48 hours

+39 06 454 37 857